This game teaches the 33 Khmer consonants and one example word for each consonant.

Images and sounds were extracted from this video on Youtube:


Click the 'Help Video' button for a tutorial.

 Intro Mode: Choose how to be tested based on 15 different ways of matching. When ready select Study, or you can click Final Exam. All other modes have a Restart button which will return to this Intro screen.

Study Mode: Displays a random subset of the Khmer consonants (or a related image) on a grid. Middle-click on a tile to hear the letter pronounced. Right-click to hear a word pronounced that starts with that letter. Left-click to cycle through 5 related images: letter, word, word-pic, transliteration, Khmer spelling

Study mode displays two tiles for each of 8 letters (randomly selected).  Left-click on either tile of a pair to learn the word.  When ready, click the Test button.

Test Mode: The Study tiles are redrawn in random positions. Half of the tiles show the word in the pre-chosen format (e.g. Khmer spelling). The other half of the tiles show the 2nd pre-chosen format (e.g. the English spelling). If you left-click a pair of corresponding tiles, those tiles go blank. Your goal is to match all pairs.

Exam Mode: All 33 Khmer consonants are drawn on a grid. When a letter is left-clicked on, its corresponding Khmer word is displayed. The player types the English translation in a box and is told correct or incorrect. The number of wrong guesses is kept track of for each word.

The color of the border indicates the number of wrong guesses:   gray = 0, yellow = 1, orange = 2, red = 3 or more

When a guess is correct, the image of the letter in the grid changes to its picture. Returning to a picture (was correct) and getting it wrong changes the border to green. 

Published 9 hours ago
Tags2D, Family Friendly, khmer, language, pygame, Singleplayer, vocabulary
Average sessionA few minutes
LanguagesEnglish, Khmer
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
AccessibilityOne button

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